Land Potential Datasets for Agroforestry of South Asia

The dataset is modeled and analyzed in the GIS domain using diversified datasets of land, climate, topography, and soil in a large continuous swath of the South Asian subcontinent with countries including, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The datasets used and methods applied are described in detail in the article

Ahmad et al. 2020.
Ahmad, F.; Uddin, M.M.; Goparaju, L.; Rizvi, J.; Biradar, C. Quantification of the Land Potential for Scaling Agroforestry in SouthAsia.KN J. Cart. Geogr. Inf.2020,70, 71–89. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42489-020-00045-0

Citation: We kindly ask any users to cite this database in any published material produced using this data, and if possible link web pages to the ICRAF Land Potential Datasets for Agroforestry of South Asia. The creator of this data set retains full ownership rights over it. The data set may be freely used for non-commercial scientific and educational purposes, provided it is described as the:
Land Potential Datasets for Agroforestry of South Asia
and attributed, using the following citation:

Ahmad, F.; Uddin, M.M.; Goparaju, L.; Rizvi, J.; Biradar, C. Quantification of the Land Potential for Scaling Agroforestry in SouthAsia.KN J. Cart. Geogr. Inf.2020,70, 71–89. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42489-020-00045-0

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